HomeConstruction3 Reasons You Need Site Cabins on a Construction Site
Home 3 Reasons You Need Site Cabins on a Construction Site
3 Reasons You Need Site Cabins on a Construction Site

When it comes to meeting the requirements of Health and Safety guidelines and regulations on building and construction sites, site cabins are essential and very useful for a variety of reasons. Site cabins come in a range of different sizes and configurations and can fit several different requirements that you might have on your construction site.

The type of site cabins that you need will depend on the sort of project you are involved in, the length of the project and even the site that you are based on. Here we look at 3 reasons you need site cabins on your construction site.

1. Office Space

On larger building sites, particularly those that are completely isolated it can be more practical to have space that can be used by the site manager and any administration staff for the day to day running of the site.

This might be the hiring of equipment, coordination of deliveries or just the day-to-day organisation that is required when there are a significant number of employees working in the one place. They also offer a good space for management of the site to take meetings, with space to sit and make notes.

2. Dry room areas

The weather in the UK can be very unpredictable with unexpected downfalls occurring frequently. A dry room is a must on any busy construction site where the health and safety of your construction workers should be of paramount importance.

This will offer them a place where their wet outer garments can be stored to dry them off and somewhere that a spare set of clothing can be stored. This also provides a great place to store heavy coats overnight to dry them should your employees not want to take them off site.


Construction work is demanding, and in inclement weather difficult. It is important to offer your construction workers a place where they can take a break and have a rest or warm up. A site cabin for this purpose can also be somewhere that they have access to hot drinks and somewhere that they have somewhere that they can sit in order to grab a bite to eat and replenish their energy levels.

With the addition of a sink, a kettle and a microwave, just a few basic amenities, a site cabin can become somewhere incredibly practical for your employees to escape to for their breaks.

If you’re unsure as to which type of site cabin would be best for your needs, why not get in touch? Our friendly team could help you work out what cabin would suit you best.

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