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Home Advantages of Hiring Towable Welfare Units
Advantages of Hiring Towable Welfare Units

Whether it is organising a construction project or setting up a temporary office, towable welfare units are an incredibly practical solution for any business that is in the midst of change.

Legally, if a project is due to last over 30 days, all companies are required by law to provide safe welfare facilities for employees. Looking beyond the fact that towable welfare units provide a rest respite, are transportable and a safe environment, there are countless other benefits when investing in the savvy units.

The five key reasons a towable welfare office is often the best solution for temporary workplaces are listed below.

1. The facilities

Reputable towable welfare units come equipped with heating, cooling and electricity. Many high-end units also feature the necessary sanitary and hygiene fittings which include toilets and running water. They provide a sanctuary from the elements and facilitate all the creature comforts one would experience in a fixed office location.

2. Tailored options

Towable welfare units, such as those provided by SRP Hire Solutions, are available in an assortment of different options. Whether space is required for only 2 people or must feed, and house an entire construction site of workers, a unit can be found to suit any specific needs.

3. Convenience

Not only are towable welfare units easy to transport, but they also operate on generator power, so can be situated on any site without painfully trying to find access to a mains electricity supply. Having an office on site also reduces elongated staff breaks and gives workers a safe and secure storage space for assets including tools and electricals.

4. Practicality

Transportable offices are easy to transport, install and remove. Reputable companies such as SRP Hire Solutions will set up the unit for the company and ensure that everything is ready for the business to begin work.

5. Sustainability

Towable welfare units come equipped with the latest in modern conveniences and technology. For companies concerned about their global footprint, particularly on busy construction sites, many towable welfare units can include environmentally conscious equipment and features such as eco-smart water-saving technology, and even solar panels.

Setting up a temporary office is no easy feat for any company who is experiencing change, a new build or new beginnings. Towable welfare units are legally compliant and take the stress out of providing a safe environment for employees on a construction site or employees who need to be housed in a temporary office.


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