HomeConstructionChecklist to Help Cater for Your Construction Workers
Home Checklist to Help Cater for Your Construction Workers
Checklist to Help Cater for Your Construction Workers

When it comes to the setup of your construction site, it is vitally important that you provide the appropriate construction site hire facilities for your workers, and this means ensuring you do more than simply providing them with a portable toilet onsite for their use.

Construction work is physical and demanding work often carried out in difficult conditions and certainly in most weathers, so we have put together a short checklist that will help to ensure that you are catering fully to the needs of your construction workers.

What You’ll Need

As a bare minimum, should really provide your workers with:

  • Adequately ventilated, well-lit toilets
  • Washing facilities, including soap water and drying facilities
  • Drinking water
  • Changing rooms
  • Lockers
  • Heated rest facilities


Toilet Hire

Let’s start with the obvious one, toilet hire. There are a good range of different toilets that can be hired for your construction site so there is no excuse for not providing this type of facility for your workers. When you are looking for a toilet for your construction site consider the access that you have to connections for water and electricity as this will drive your choice. Hire toilets also offer a range of basins which again suit different needs so you will want to take this into consideration as well.

Welfare Units

If you are looking to offer your construction workers more than just toilet facilities, and this can be particularly important if you have a larger site or are situated out of the way, then a welfare unit is an important consideration.

Because sites vary in size, accessibility and number of workers, welfare units come in a range of sizes as well with some companies offering both mobile and static welfare units.

Welfare units offer basic kitchen facilities together with somewhere to sit so that your site workers can take regular breaks for food, a hot drink or even to warm up on particularly cold days. They also have their own toilet facilities making them a very good solution for many construction sites.

Mobile welfare units are smaller in size and offer space for a good number of people to sit at any one time, whilst static welfare units tend to be bigger in size and can offer you more facilities such as office space and even drying space, which can be an important consideration given the unpredictability of the British weather.


The beauty of these construction site hire facilities is that they can be configured to suit your exact requirements and of course if you need more space you can put several welfare units on your site giving you more canteen space, offices and of course toilet facilities.

Now you know more about the facilities you could – and should – be offering your construction workers, why not take a look at our solutions for ensuring your workers have all that they need.

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