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Home Proven Tips for Toilet Hire
Proven Tips for Toilet Hire

Planning your event involves a lot of interconnecting pieces that you must get right for it the event be prove successful. From the location, the food, to the number of guests, all must be planned to avoid your event failing from day one.

The toilet situation is no different, and as a major part of any event, regardless of the type, many people consistently get it wrong. As they overestimate the capabilities of the number of toilets they’ve hired out or the regularity of the maintenance and waste removal services required.

On today’s blog, SRP Hire Solutions go through a few proven tips for toilet hire and how they’ll help your event run smoothly.

Sort Out the Specifics
Knowing the numbers is vital before you go ahead and hire toilets for your festival or corporate event. Without an estimate in the amount of people going to your event then you’re taking a huge gamble when it comes to running everything.

If you don’t hire enough for example you risk having large queues of people waiting to use the toilets or if you hire too many you’re taking up valuable space that could have been used for other features of your event.

Ensure you book toilet hire services many months before your event is due to start, don’t leave it till the last minute. As some months are busier than others due to popular festivals happening yearly, it’s best to be prepared just in case you need time to adjust.

Support Services
It’s a good idea to consider whether you need waste removal and cleaning services for your hired toilets. Whether you have the staff available to do this yourself differs from business to business but it’s advisable you hire that service out too to ensure it’s done properly.

Nothing is worse than your hired toilets being out of service and having angry guests, SRP Hire Solutions have you covered. With our Waste Removal service, we guarantee that your hired toilets stay in pristine condition and stay that way due to regular servicing.

Contact us today and see how we can help your event toilet hire needs! With additional support services you’re bound to have a successful event!

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